Situation Report

Infusionsoft Partnercon

We presented the slides below at Infusionsoft Partnercon. If you saw the presentation, thanks for coming out! If you didn’t, all of the slides, notes, code snippets and more are below. If you have questions or comments, please let us know by filling out our contact form.

The Presentation

Form Abandonment Code

YouTube Play as Google Analytics Event

Track Twitter Button Clicks

Track Facebook Like/Unlike/Share Button Clicks

Call Tracking

Use Twimlbin and Twilio to create an easy call tracking solution.

About Chuck Reynolds

A partner and co-founder at Vuurr, Chuck handles site architecture, UX, on-site SEO / CRO audits and project management.


  1. Hey Vuurr!

    Thanks for an awesome presentation today. You guys really hit the sweet spot for how we SHOULD be reporting. As Jonathan said, “If you’re just putting a GA script on your site and saying ‘Go!’ then you aren’t tracking a prospect’s experience and how make sure they convert”

    One question: what are some of the reporting plugins for Infusionsoft that you mentioned? i.e. Marketing Mavens, etc.

    Thanks again for an incredibly VALUABLE session!

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